April 12, 2012


Etwas Licht und viel Schatten am späten Nachmittag in der Brückenstraße in Bad Cannstatt. In dem hübschen weißen Haus ist ein Studentenwohnheim untergebracht.
Little light and much shadow in the late afternoon at Brückenstraße in Bad Cannstatt. There is a dorm in that beautiful white house.


Lowell said...

It's always about the light. It's an attractive house and the light washes over it nicely!

Re your comment on The Villages: There are now about 80,000 people that live in The Villages and I think most of them have at least one golf cart which they drive at high speeds throughout the community! :-)

Jørgen Carlsen said...

Thanks for the easter-greetings, Steffen. In Denmark we had spring the last weeks of march, and now has the winter - without snow - returned. Too much wind is comming from the north.

Birdman said...

Neat shot today.