November 16, 2012

My New Bike

Mit meinem neuen "Stevens"-Fahrrad fahre ich nun auch ab und zu zur Arbeit. Auf dem Rückweg nach Hause habe ich am sogenannten "Elefantensteg" Halt gemacht. Hier ein Blick vom Rande des Rosensteinparks auf den beliebten Rad- und Fußgängerweg.
Recently I've bought myself a "Stevens" bike. Now I pedal to work from time to time. On my way back to home I've stopped over at a bridge which is known as the "Elefantensteg" (elephant's bridge). This is a view from the boundary of the "Rosensteinpark" to the popular foot and bike path.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new bike!

Kim said...

Congratulations on your new bike. It looks capable and comfortable. That is a lovely pedestrian bridge scene. I look forward to these kinds of places you will take us from now on by bike :-).